As if all my pieces belong to you

If there are one thousand causes for my heart resonates pains, how many of them are because of you? “It’s just… one day, I realize that I can’t fit into anyone’s life, everything feels so absurd and awkward. Believe me,…. I did try to let go of your hands and to erase all my feelings […]

Love as lost in the river of no return

Have you ever been held by your lover’s hands? I mean in the way that every moment seems to fade into eternity and your eyes will forever be tracing the image of your hands intertwined together? When your hands grab mine with all the fondness, wildness, and eternal reverence as if we’re about to descend […]

Hold me closer to you, even though the despair days shall come soon

Schopenhauer considers that suffering is a part of human fate. It’s something as innate as waking up or going to bed, not a mighty “ordeal” which you overcome and then be rewarded by an all-knowing god. Human beings are meant to be the word “despair” itself and then the end of the story. Maybe that’s […]