Cold Soul


Some people are born with that thing, or maybe we should say that they’re cursed with it.

Why us? I mean… Why them?

What should they do?

I don’t know. Can a curse be repealed?

In some old-time stories, even as powerful as Greek Gods, a god can’t lift another god’s curse. (Despite that, they like to curse a lot and most of the times the victim is human. Strange, isn’t it?)

This curse in some odd way is the reason why many people out there has been spending their whole life in a flesh lust relationship. They long for someone else’s heat to warm their ill souls and let their vessels being tortured and rotten.

Are they happy? I don’t know this answer either. Since everyone’s concept of happiness is different so we can’t force the others to have the same “happy” love life as ours.

Is this kind of love beautiful? Some are, some aren’t.

A major part of me always has a thing for some form of toxic love, a selfish and destructive one. Two people spent their entire life blindly looking for their missing half[1]. But it wasn’t an easy journey. One day, they finally found each other’s hands. Since they had been waiting for so long, the moment they got each other, everything else just crashed down and became worthless. Now the world was just two of them, nothing matter anymore and their cupidity for each other’s touch, intention, thought, feelings,  moments,… slowly transformed into some kind of poetic poison. To some point, embracing wasn’t enough anymore, they were eager to seize the other inside them… Be one and then be “nothing” and “everything”. This idea ceaselessly obsesses me. It seems that a curse leads to another one.

Talking about “cupidity”, do you know that it got the origin from the word Cupid, the Roman name for the Greek God of Love, Eros. Eros and his wife Psyche in some language mean “Love” and “Soul”.

It’s a common knowledge that Eros is the son of Aphrodite (Goddess of All Beauty and Love) and Ares (God of War) but in some version, he isn’t. They argued that he was one of the gods of Beginning Time, maybe even before The First Order reign which means if this is true, “Love” was already existed when there was nothing but Chaos.

So, according to this theory, the purest form of love would be the most calamitous one.

Leaving behind the burning vessels, the souls of two lovers merged and remained there for eternity.

But can a person give up everything for love?

If not, where is the fair point?

Love, War, Tragedy and Death has been and always will be the longest story ever told on Earth.


[1] “According to Aristophanes in Plato’s The Banquet, in the ancient world of legend, there were three types of people.

In ancient times people weren’t simply male or female, but one of three types: male/male, male/female or female/female. In other words, each person was made out of the components of two people. Everyone was happy with this arrangement and never really gave it much thought. But then God took a knife and cut everyone in half, right down the middle. So after that, the world was divided just into male and female, the upshot being that people spend their time running around trying to locate their missing half.” – HARUKI MURAKAMI, Kafka on the shore.

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